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Monthly Archives: August 2010

The bigger the better!

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I have quite the obsession with big jewelry. The bigger the better is my mantra, whether it’s earrings, rings, a necklace or a bracelet. My Dad once gave me a blown-glass ring that he said was the biggest one he could find in the market where he and my Mom were shopping during a trip abroad. That made me smile because for my Dad to notice something like that, well, it says a lot 🙂

People often ask me where I buy my jewelry and usually, I am hesitant to share. I mean, I don’t want everyone to know my secrets!! But, in the spirit of my new blog, I am going to share with you my absolute favorite place to find cocktail rings in South Florida: Deco Dermot.

Here’s the story of how I came upon this special little place…

Once upon a time, several years ago, a young girl (me, of course!) failed her Florida driver’s license vision test (eeeeek!!!!). Having had perfect vision for the entirety of her existence, she warily made an appointment with an optometrist. The doctor, however, was unable to figure out the cause of her vision issues until he decided to dilate her pupils. And then, as strange fate would have it, he was able to ascertain that this 24-year-old had a most rare occurrence: Cataracts! To make an extremely long story short, I was able to get the help I needed through a ophthalmologist in Pembroke Pines, Florida. (For those of you who don’t know, that’s quite a drive for a South Beacher like me, but seeing Dr. Guy Angella was completely worth it, he’s the cat’s meow!!!!) So, one day, after I had completed an eye exam and my pupils were sufficiently dilated, I attempted to get back to work as quickly as possible (*note to readers, this is NOT  good idea, like, ever). But, such a silly girl was I, because after about ten minutes of driving, I realized I needed to pull over and wait for my eyes to return to normal. I made my first right into a somewhat seedy looking strip mall on Hollywood Blvd. and decided to wait it out. And then, like an angel descending from the heavens, I looked up and saw a large sign indicating that the store I had parked in front of was not only open, but chock full of vintage items — my dream come true!!!!!!!!!!

From the outside, the store could easily be passed by without a second look. Costumes outfit the front windows, which are crammed full of random items, including a sign that indicates that no cell phones are allowed to be used in the store! Impaired vision and all, I turned off my cell, entered, and was immediately overcome with joy. Everywhere I turned I saw racks and racks of vintage clothing, awesome. But in the back of the store, I spied several glass cases…the perfect place to house my ever-growing (and previously mentioned) obsession! And much to my delight, I found rings galore! Like a kid in a candy store, I was totally overwhelmed and eager to see and try everything in sight. I think I left with seven rings and somehow justified the purchase, though I can’t recall the exact reasoning now. (My best guess is that perhaps I convinced myself that since I was going to have to undergo two surgeries for the cataracts that I was therefore entitled to purchasing a little happy, hehe.) Jan Carlin, owner of Deco Dermot, makes the rings and sells them for a great price. I try to only allow myself a trip to Deco a few times a year, knowing that whenever I visit, I will always leave with more than I should. I have found some amazing vintage dresses there that I have worn to shreds. Though Jan also makes sunglasses and other Bakelite jewelry, I am always drawn to her cocktail rings. They’re over the top in size and unique, two of my defining requirements in the perfect piece of jewelry! She uses a variety of materials to construct her rings and I love that each time I go in, there is an entirely new batch of fabulous baubles.

So, below are a couple of photos of just some of the rings Deco Dermot has right now. I left with four rings, though one is a gift (I swear!) for my gal pal’s birthday…

Needless to say, I am a huge lover of vintage jewelry, clothing and handbags. I am always on the lookout for new thrift stores, vintage boutiques, etc. to explore. Taking a note from my friend and fellow bloggerista, Rachel, I’d love to know where you go to find great vintage items, so please do share!

Deco Dermot

4628 Hollywood Blvd.

Hollywood, FL 33021

p) 954.989.4299